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Day 33 Palas de Rei to Arzúa

Sunday 9th June 2013

25.5 km - 7 hrs


We started out at 7 a.m. and it was quite uphill at the start, contrary to how it looks on the Michelin profile map. We then passes through wooded areas, but it was very misty and damp. I stopped to change my shirt halfway as I was quite wet and was beginning to get cold. Note to self.... check out Icebreaker merino wool undershirts!


Not promising weather


The first coffee stop of the day

The medieval bridge at Melide


Melide is famous for its "Pulpo" (Octopus)


Coffee break. Digby, Sue (Hye Soo) and Jane with Lena, Franz and Andreus in the background


Accommodation Notes


I found a single room in Casa Frade in Arzúa for 25 euro. Since I forgot to take a photo of the place when I arrived, I have used one I took early the next morning!